IrisVision 3.5 Update is HERE!

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IrisVision 3.5 Update is HERE!

You asked, we listened. We are always looking out for your feedback and ways to improve, and we came back with the release of our newest update: IrisVision 3.5! Check out all the new exciting features that are making IrisVision more intuitive and comfortable to use.

1: Amazon Alexa Smart Voice Commands

IrisVision 3.5 Update is Here

Due to popular demand, we’re bringing the world’s most intuitive virtual assistant to IrisVision.* It’s easier than ever to engage with the world and get things done.

  • Ask Alexa about the weather forecast, news, sports and more!

  • Alexa can also tell jokes, stories, and even tell time.

*You will need to set up or use your own Amazon account to activate this feature.

2: Smart Voice Commands

IrisVision just got SMARTER! and now understands phrases or words intuitively, without the need to use specific language. Here are some examples:

  • Simply enable voice prompts and say “battery”, “volume”, “brightness” to get more information on them.

  • Make text-to-speech speed faster or slower by saying “increase/decrease speed”.

  • Change the screen contrast in any mode by saying “increase/decrease contrast”.

3: Bookmark Videos

Bookmark Video

Do you have a list of your favorite YouTube videos? Now you can bookmark them to view them easily.

  • Pressing the snapshot button while the video is playing will allow you to bookmark the video.

  • Your bookmarked videos will always appear first when you enter the Video Player mode.

4: TV Exposure Presets

TV Exposure Presets

Experience enhanced TV mode with any level of background light and screen settings on televisions and monitors.

  • You no longer have to optimize the settings on your TV. In TV mode, simply enable voice prompts and say “increase/decrease exposure”.

5: Bioptic Magnification Bar Positioning

Bioptic Magnification Bar Positioning

You can now adjust the bioptic magnification bar anywhere on the screen.

  • This can be changed in the configuration settings in bioptic mode, very similar to the Scene with Bubble’s bubble positioning.

IrisVision is more than just a product to enable people to see. We’re building an entire ecosystem of features to create a “smart device” to make life easier for those with low-vision and help them do the things they love. Have ideas of what you’d like to see next or have any feedback? Send your thoughts to [email protected]. IrisVision is dedicated to help you see clearly and live fully!

