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Blind Glasses UK2022-06-21T06:30:57+00:00

IrisVision Electronic Glasses for People with Vision Impairment and Legal Blindness

IrisVision – a revolutionary low vision solution registered as a class-1 medical device that leverages technology to access leftover vision and amplify limited sight for people with vision impairment and legal blindness.

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IrisVision Electronic Glasses for People with Vision Impairment and Legal Blindness

IrisVision – a revolutionary low vision solution registered as a class-1 medical device that leverages technology to access leftover vision and amplify limited sight for people with vision impairment and legal blindness.

Get a Free Consultation

Start Your 30 day risk-free trial today
Terms and conditions apply

Using Technology to Bring Back the Gift of Sight

In the UK, as reported by the National Health Services there are almost million people living with vision loss out of which approximately 360,000 are registered as blind or partially sighted prompting the need for advanced low vision solutions. Thanks to the technological advances and innovation at its best, IrisVision brings users specially designed award-winning electronic glasses for the blind, lending them a second lease of sight.

Opening up a New World of Possibilities

  • Award-winning Software Lenses:
    Restores sight by using your leftover vision to reclaim your independence.
  • Virtual Assistive Software:
    Helping you enjoy a complete hands-free experience.
  • 100% Stay Connected & Entertained:
    Unlimited access to entertainment, social media and more.

Diverse range of viewing modes in one solution

44 million Americans over the age of 40 are near or farsighted as reported by The New York State Department of Health. Most low vision devices are designed to be task-specific, however IrisVision features software lenses that are designed for close-up visual tasks and distance viewing.

Opening up a New
World of Possibilities

  • Award-winning Software Lenses:
    Restores sight by using your leftover vision to reclaim your independence.
  • Virtual Assistive Software:
    Helping you enjoy a complete hands-free experience.
  • 100% Stay Connected & Entertained:
    Unlimited access to entertainment, social media and more.

Thousands of low vision and
vision impaired individuals
across the global have
experienced the change.

Are you ready?

Thousands of low vision and vision impaired individuals across the global have experienced the change.

Are you ready?

Honorary Mentions
& Impact

“Did You Know IrisVision Was the CES 2019 Innovation Award Honoree?”

IrisVision Global was named a CES 2019 Innovation Honoree for Virtual and Augmented Reality.

The CES Innovation Awards is an annual competition honoring outstanding design and engineering in consumer technology products.

Awards Honorary Mentions & Impact

Did You Know IrisVision Was the CES 2019 Innovation Award Honoree?

IrisVision Global was named a CES 2019 Innovation Honoree for Virtual and Augmented Reality.

The CES Innovation Awards is an annual competition honoring outstanding design and engineering in consumer technology products.

World Class Partnership


One Device for Diverse Eye Diseases

  • Age-related Macular Degeneration
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Retinitis Pigmentosa
  • Leber's Congenital Amaurosis
  • Cone-rod Dystrophy
  • Usher Syndrome
    And more...

One Device for Diverse Eye Diseases:

  • Age-related Macular Degeneration
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Retinitis Pigmentosa
  • Leber's Congenital Amaurosis
  • Cone-rod Dystrophy
  • Usher Syndrome
    And more...

Bringing You Closer To Things You Love

 Watch a live
sports games
on TV 

Capture and save photos of your most treasured

Revisit the habit of reading with ease using optical character recognition (OCR)

Your very own personal assistant with smart voice commands feature

Round-the-clock Remote
Customer Support

Our team helps you get started and make the most out of the
wearable low vision solution, available for you round-the-clock.

Our esteemed panel of expert coaches help you better understand
and easily adapt to the IrisVision headset through 1-on-1 coaching
sessions done remotely.

Uninterrupted Cellular

IrisVision features rely on cellular or WiFi connectivity. Enjoy up to 500MB of data usage until your device has been set up on your Wi-Fi network within 60 days from shipment. For those without access to Wi-Fi, IrisVision offers an extended Data Usage Plan.

Round-the-clock Remote Customer Support

Our team helps you get started amd make the most out of the wearable low vision solution, available for you round-the-clock.

Our esteemed panel of experts coaches help you better understand and easily adapt to the IrisVision headset through 1-on-1 coaching sessions.

Uninterrupted Cellular Connectivity

IrisVision features rely on cellular or WiFi connectivity. Enjoy up to 500MB of data usage until your device has been set up on your Wi-Fi network within 60 days from shipment. For those without access to Wi-Fi, IrisVision offers an extended Data Usage Plan.

Join us for a 30-day trial period with an absolute

100% money-back guarantee

Join us for a 30-day trial period with an absolute

100% money-back guarantee


"“I don’t think I ever saw that well, even as a child,”"

Electronic Glasses FAQs

What is the difference between legal blindness and low vision?2022-01-13T05:29:38+00:00

There are several stages of low vision each based upon its respective visual acuity. Generally low vision indicates a visual acuity of 20/70 or poorer, a condition in which vision health cannot be improved by eyeglasses or contacts. Legal blindness however refers to a corrected vision of 20/200 in their best-seeing eye.

What prescription is legally blind UK?2022-01-13T05:31:52+00:00

Almost 2 million people live with vision loss in the UK, out of which around 360,000 are registered as blind or partially sighted as reported by National Health Services UK. Legal blindness may fall in between the mentioned categories i.e. visual acuity between 3/60 and 6/60 with reduced field of view (tunnel vision), visual acuity less than 3/60 with a full visual field, or visual acuity 6/60 or above with severe reduction of field of vision.

What are electronic glasses?2022-01-13T05:33:13+00:00

Electronic glasses are low vision aids designed to help people with vision impairment and visual challenges to see better. These glasses have unique features such as autofocus and magnification capabilities that counter the effects of vision impairment and provide the user clearer visuals, greater field of view etc.

What are the features of smart glasses?2022-01-13T05:35:44+00:00

Smart glasses have certain features like auto-focus, magnification, and improved night vision that make them a useful low vision device for people with visual impairment and legal blindness. These advanced technologies have the ability to provide accurate information about an image, scenery, and even facial recognition of a person and let users communicate with the system through voice commands or finger sweeps.

Does IrisVision work for macular degeneration?2022-01-13T05:36:59+00:00

IrisVision is one of the breakthrough technologies that enhance visual acuity and overcome the effects of various eye conditions for users. The special software technology helps make blurry visuals in the central field of vision clear. It has a powerful magnification property that lets users magnify up to 14x allowing objects close or far to be seen. IrisVision is great for people with macular degeneration as it helps overcome visual challenges such as loss of central vision caused by AMD. 

What are electronic eyeglasses?

Electronic eyeglasses are specially designed pairs of glasses that help people with legal blindness see clearly. These devices leverage advanced technology that allows people with impaired vision to see and enhance their quality of life.

Electronic eyeglasses were created to be a practical and affordable solution for anyone who is visually impaired and suffering from eye conditions like macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, etc. Through these devices, people with low vision can read a book, recognize faces, and even see a movie or a live concert.

You can connect to your smartphone, computer, and other devices using this new form of technology. These special glasses also allow you to receive information when you need it most. You can read text messages, emails, and other alerts right on your glasses. The possibilities are endless with these new products.

One of the most unique features of electronic eyeglasses, when compared with other low vision aids, is their ability to provide greater mobility for users. They can be used at home or at work,  providing people with low vision a better user-friendly experience.

Do e-glasses help the legally blind?

E-glasses give legally blind individuals the ability to see clearly by using different features and adjusting the viewing mode based on their individual needs and current activity.

There's no doubt that e-glasses have the potential to help legally blind people, by making it easier for wearers to see text displayed on computer screens and other digital displays. The glasses contain a camera and a projector, which combine to project an image onto the wearer's retina. By holding the glasses at just the right distance from their faces, they can read words that would otherwise be impossible to make out.

People with severe vision impairment may benefit from e-glasses, which can significantly improve their vision, according to a new study. The study, led by Bin He, an associate professor of ophthalmology at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, suggests that e-glasses could be an alternative to invasive and expensive laser eye surgery.

Tests showed that e-glasses helped legally blind people by giving them access to details they otherwise wouldn't have seen clearly — such as the number on a license plate or a person's face — without requiring surgery.

Is there a device that can make a blind person see?

Wearable assistive technology like electronic glasses can help counter the effects of legal blindness. 

These devices have been designed to increase visual acuity for people dealing with various eye conditions — such as Stargardt disease, optic atrophy, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. 

Assistive technology devices use advanced softwares and hardware technology to help people with low vision counter visual challenges and amplify sight. 

There are a wide variety of low vision devices available to help people with vision loss. Some magnify, some provide contrast, some project images onto the retina, and others are designed to make the user more mobile. There are also hand-held reader devices that use special light sources (infrared or laser) to project text onto paper so that users with low vision can read printed materials. Some people with low vision may benefit from using both magnifiers and scanners as part of their visual rehabilitation program.

Tripods, hand-held magnifiers, CCTV's, telescopic lenses for smartphones, etc are some of the most commonly used low vision aids. The use of these aids helps in the enhancement of eyesight, thereby enabling people to perform their daily activities with ease.

There is an abundance of low vision devices on the market—so many, in fact, that it can be overwhelming to know where to begin looking. One good place to start is with your eye care professional. They will be able to answer questions about the various technologies and help you narrow your options down to those that will best suit your individual needs.

What is the treatment for low vision?

Low vision cannot be fully corrected and treatment for low vision can be very different depending on the cause.

However, there are a wide array of devices to help people with low vision, including UV protection lenses that block harmful UV rays from reaching the eyes and help with light sensitivity and contrast, magnifiers (hand held and for digital or computer use) etc. 

Corrective lenses can help someone with refractive errors, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness. For example, glasses or contact lenses may be recommended to correct a refractive error. These devices may help improve your visual acuity if you suffer from astigmatism but will not correct cataracts.

The more severe the visual loss, however, the less likely glasses or surgery will help. 

Treatment varies widely depending on the cause of the vision loss. There are some general treatments that apply to many causes of low vision.

The treatment for low vision depends on the cause of your low vision. If you have a growth in your eye, such as a cataract, this can be removed and your vision will improve. If you have macular degeneration, there are various treatments available which can help improve your vision. If you have glaucoma, the pressure inside your eye can be reduced with drops or laser treatment to help improve your vision.

Treatment for low vision may not restore full normal sight but it is possible to make it easier for you to read big print, see nearby objects, and do other close work. Treatment may include spectacle lenses (glasses), contact lenses, magnifying glasses, and refractive surgery. Treatment may also include improving lighting conditions to make it easier for you to see. Low vision aids are available to help with reading and writing if you find these difficult.

In addition to medical treatment, you may need to make adaptations to your home or workplace.

Can low vision be improved?

Low vision refers to any vision impairment that cannot be fully corrected by prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses. Over 20 million Americans suffer from low vision and are at risk of experiencing the vision loss that comes with advancing age. Low vision may result from a wide range of conditions, including macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and trauma.

Although, low vision is usually permanent but it can be improved. It all depends on the cause of the person's vision problems. If a person has a disease like diabetes that damages their retina, there is no way to cure that disease. But, if a person has cataracts and has surgery to remove them, his or her vision can improve.

Many people with low vision are able to function independently with the appropriate visual aids. Treatment for low vision depends on the type, cause and severity of the condition, as well as the individual patient's needs and preferences. In general, treatment options fall into three main categories: optical aids, rehabilitation and surgery.

Eyeglasses, medicine, and surgery can't usually cure low vision but have the ability to improve vision, enabling people with low vision to perform everyday activities more easily, or keep your vision from getting worse.

One other way of improving visual acuity involves using devices called low vision aids to magnify what you're looking at. These instruments can make it possible for you to read print that's too small for you to read with even the best prescription lenses.

The most common low vision aids are handheld magnifiers, large-print books, computer screen magnifiers and wearable low vision aids like IrisVision.

Low vision aids are designed to be easy to use. You simply look through the magnifier and place it over whatever you want to see. Magnifiers range in size and power, but many have adjustable features that allow you to change the focus or magnification level.
