Bill, Diabetic Retinopathy

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Bill, Diabetic Retinopathy2023-04-10T13:17:46+00:00

Bill, Diabetic Retinopathy


Bill A. was an artist who lost his sight due to Diabetic Retinopathy and became blind after a stroke. His life changed when he got the IrisVision smart glasses. In his words,

“I can draw, I can do my sketches again. It’s worth 10 times the price. 20 times the price.”

Before getting the smart glasses, everything in his life had come to an end, and he struggled to do even the simplest things. He couldn’t read or watch TV, and outdoor activities were out of the question. But with IrisVision, he could see things he never thought possible. He could see the minute hand on a clock, the flowers on a bowl, and even a picture he had drawn of a horse for the first time in his life.

The smart glasses not only helped him see things around him but also brought back his passion for art. He could once again draw and do his sketches. He could see his granddaughter’s picture, his old house, and the horses he had owned. He could see the world again, and for that, he believed the IrisVision smart glasses were worth 10-20 times the price.

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