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Diabetic Retinopathy Glasses2024-04-04T06:12:14+00:00

IrisVision’s Next Generation Electronic Glasses That Help
You Reclaim Your Vision Against Diabetic Retinopathy

IrisVision’s Next Generation Electronic Glasses That Help
You Reclaim Your Vision Against Diabetic Retinopathy

Is diabetic retinopathy slowly taking the light away from your eyes? Millions of others are also suffering from this
diabetic eye disease commonly referred as the “DR”.

According to estimates:
Diabetic retinopathy’s national prevalence rate for U.S. population above 40 years of age is 5.4%, which means about 7.7 million American adults are suffering from DR.

What is Diabetic Retinopathy?

As the name suggests, this eye disease is a kind of an amalgam of diabetes and retinopathy, where diabetes reflects disturbed blood sugar levels and retinopathy involves damage to the retina (the central region of the eye) resulting in eventual vision loss, sometimes also leading to blindness.

When your blood sugar levels raise, they tend to affect the small blood vessels clustered within your retina badly, leading you to diabetic retinopathy. This means anyone who has had diabetes for a while is more likely to be affected by this sight-threatening diabetic eye disease.

Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of new cases of legal blindness among adult aged 20 to 74 years in the United States.

Is There a Diabetic Retinopathy Cure?

Unfortunately, there’s no viable diabetic retinopathy cure available presently. Though a host of diabetic retinopathy treatments aimed at minimizing or halting the damage to the retina are available, none of them can be considered as a cure yet. The sooner you get it diagnosed, the better. However, an innovative solution like IrisVision can help you overcome your vision loss due to diabetic retinopathy.

What Are IrisVision Diabetic Retinopathy Glasses?

IrisVision is an assistive technology solution approved and registered by the FDA as a Class-1 medical device, one of the best low vision aids in the market right now.

Comprised of Samsung’s VR headset mounted with a latest smartphone, it is designed to facilitate people suffering from low vision conditions, especially Diabetic Retinopathy, and other degenerative eye diseases like Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, Cataracts, Albinism and so forth.

What Makes These Glasses for Diabetic Retinopathy So Special?


The famed Frank Werblin, Professor of Neuroscience at UC Berkeley with 40 years of experience in vision research and vision restoration fields joins hands with Ammad Khan, leveraging on his team’s virtual reality prowess to come up with these highly sophisticated glasses for Diabetic Retinopathy.

The famed Frank Werblin, Professor of Neuroscience at UC Berkeley with 40 years of experience in vision research and vision restoration fields joins hands with Ammad Khan, leveraging on his team’s virtual reality prowess to come up with these highly sophisticated glasses for Diabetic Retinopathy.


In addition to recently being named a CES 2019 Innovation Honoree for Virtual and Augmented Reality, these electronic glasses for visually impaired have been featured on some of the top platforms like ‘Mail Online, ‘New Scientist’, ‘Med Gadget’, ‘Business Insider’ and so forth.


In addition to recently being named a CES 2019 Innovation Honoree for Virtual and Augmented Reality, these electronic glasses for visually impaired have been featured on some of the top platforms like ‘Mail Online, ‘New Scientist’, ‘Med Gadget’, ‘Business Insider’ and so forth.


A Technological Breakthrough Backed By The World’s Best Eye Doctors

World’s top eye doctors and low vision experts have contributed in the development of IrisVision under the funding from the National Eye Institute (NEI), making it the most medically-validated wearable low vision aid available currently. An FDA class 1 registered medical device, IrisVision brings the best of low vision aids to you.

Some of the Major Benefits of the DR Glasses


See the Faces of Loved Ones

See your wife smile, your grandson walk his first step and your niece graduate, all over again, reclaiming the little joys of life you thought were gone forever.

See the Faces of Loved Ones


See your wife smile, your grandson walk his first step and your niece graduate, all over again, reclaiming the little joys of life you thought were gone forever.

Resume Your Hobbies

With IrisVision, you can resume hobbies that you may have had to set aside long ago. Cooking, crosswords, sports, gardening — they’re all possible once again.


Resume Your Hobbies


With IrisVision, you can resume hobbies that you may have had to set aside long ago. Cooking, crosswords, sports, gardening — they’re all possible once again.


Enjoy Reading

Read a favorite book, a recipe or the Sunday paper. IrisVision glaucoma glasses will display the text for you in large, high-contrast font. Or, if you like, IrisVision can even read it aloud.

Enjoy Reading


Read a favorite book, a recipe or the Sunday paper. IrisVision glaucoma glasses will display the text for you in large, high-contrast font. Or, if you like, IrisVision can even read it aloud.

See What You Write

Whether you’re filling out a form, addressing an envelope, or completing a crossword puzzle, IrisVision glasses for glaucoma make it easy to see exactly what you’re writing.


See What You Write


Whether you’re filling out a form, addressing an envelope, or completing a crossword puzzle, IrisVision glasses for glaucoma make it easy to see exactly what you’re writing.


Work Again

With IrisVision’s best glasses for glaucoma, you can resume a former job, or get a new one. Whether you need to use a computer, tablet, or mobile phone, IrisVision makes it possible to get back to work.

Work Again


With IrisVision’s best glasses for glaucoma, you can resume a former job, or get a new one. Whether you need to use a computer, tablet, or mobile phone, IrisVision makes it possible to get back to work.

Watch a Movie or TV Show

IrisVision eyeglasses for glaucoma patients make it easy to watch everything from Netflix to the evening news — even in a dark room.


Watch a Movie or TV Show


IrisVision eyeglasses for glaucoma patients make it easy to watch everything from Netflix to the evening news — even in a dark room.


Get Outdoors

IrisVision constantly monitors how bright things are and maintains a comfortable level of light for you, whether you’re outdoors in the sunlight or on a rainy winter afternoon. So, you get the best wrap around sunglasses for glaucoma as well. And IrisVision glasses for glaucoma patients feature an extra-wide field of view, giving you the clearest possible picture of the world around you.

Get Outdoors


IrisVision constantly monitors how bright things are and maintains a comfortable level of light for you, whether you’re outdoors in the sunlight or on a rainy winter afternoon. So, you get the best wrap around sunglasses for glaucoma as well. And IrisVision glasses for glaucoma patients feature an extra-wide field of view, giving you the clearest possible picture of the world around you.

Want to Know More About IrisVision?

Try IrisVision today — risk-free! If you’re dissatisfied for any reason, return it within 30 days for a full refund.

Try the IrisVision Experience

Get your IrisVision today and experience low vision aids like never before. Contact us at IrisVision or drop us a message, and our technology experts will assist any query you have.
