Can I walk or drive with the IrisVision?

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Can I walk or drive with the IrisVision?

No! Do not drive while using the IrisVision. The IrisVision has a generous 70° field of view, but you should never drive with your peripheral vision obstructed in any way. IrisVision’s powerful magnification properties will also alter your depth perception.

The IrisVision is designed to give you autonomy and freedom, so it can and should be used on the go. However, it is not recommended that you walk while using the IrisVision. The same factors that make it unsuitable for drivingreduced peripheral vision and altered depth perceptionmake it unsuitable for walking safely as well.

The IrisVision is lightweight and portable. In most situations, walking with the IrisVision in your hands and bringing it to your eyes as needed is simple and easy. At a museum, for example, you can use it at each exhibit, and remove it from your eyes as you move from place to place.

