How do I charge Inspire?

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How do I charge Inspire?

Ensure that the Folding Stand-Up Charger is connected to power using the charging cord and wall plug. Disconnect the Inspire Phone from the Inspire glasses and place the Inspire Phone on the charger. If the device is charging correctly you should see a slowly blinking blue light, if the device is misaligned you will see a flashing green light, and when the charger is on stand by you should see a steady green light.

As an alternative, you may use the cable from the Folding Stand-Up Charger with the micro USB type C adapter, included with the wireless charging pad. Plug it into the Inspire Phone after disconnecting the Inspire Phone from the glasses and then plug it into an outlet. By using this method the Inspire Phone will charge faster, usually within one hour. 


  • We do not recommend plugging the Inspire Phone into a computer to charge.
  • The Inspire battery lasts 3 to 4 hours. It can last 3+ hours with continuous use, and it can last all day (8 to 10 hours) on standby. You can make the most of this time by powering the IrisVision off when you are not using it.
