Why am I seeing double?

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Why am I seeing double?

If you are seeing double, first attempt to use the Focus wheel to refocus. If you continue to experience double vision, your IPD setting could have been changed. The default IPD setting on the IrisVision should be 60. To check your IPD settings:

    1. Open the Configuration menu.
    2. Double tap on the touchpad.
    3. When you hear the beep and see the yellow microphone on the screen, the IrisVision is listening for your command. Say “Configuration menu”.
    4. When you see a black box, swipe down on the touchpad to enter configuration.
    5. Swipe up to enter “Configure Visual Parameters”. The first option is IPD (Interpupillary Distance). The default setting should be 60.0. A different setting could be causing the double vision.
    6. Slowly swipe up or down until you see one solid image or until the setting is at 60. The setting may be different for your eye condition.
    7. Use the Mode button to cycle through the remaining settings.
    8. Press the Mode button until you reach the option to swipe down to exit configuration and save your changes.
