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Software Update v3.52020-05-15T13:01:49+00:00

You asked, we listened. We are always looking out for your feedback and ways to improve, and we came back with the release of our newest update: IrisVision 3.5! Check out all the new exciting features that are making IrisVision more intuitive and comfortable to use.

1: Amazon Alexa Smart Voice Commands

IrisVision 3.5 Update is Here

Due to popular demand, we’re bringing the world’s most intuitive virtual assistant to IrisVision.* It’s easier than ever to engage with the world and get things done.


  • Ask Alexa about the weather forecast, news, sports and more!
  • Alexa can also tell jokes, stories, and even tell time.

*You will need to set up or use your own Amazon account to activate this feature.

2: Smart Voice Commands

IrisVision just got SMARTER! and now understands phrases or words intuitively, without the need to use specific language. Here are some examples:


  • Simply enable voice prompts and say “battery”“volume”“brightness” to get more information on them.
  • Make text-to-speech speed faster or slower by saying “increase/decrease speed”.
  • Change the screen contrast in any mode by saying “increase/decrease contrast”.


3: Bookmark Videos

Bookmark Video

Do you have a list of your favorite YouTube videos? Now you can bookmark them to view them easily.


  • Pressing the snapshot button while the video is playing will allow you to bookmark the video.
  • Your bookmarked videos will always appear first when you enter the Video Player mode.

4: TV Exposure Presets

TV Exposure Presets

Experience enhanced TV mode with any level of background light and screen settings on televisions and monitors.


  • You no longer have to optimize the settings on your TV. In TV mode, simply enable voice prompts and say “increase/decrease exposure”.

5: Bioptic Magnification Bar Positioning

Bioptic Magnification Bar Positioning

You can now adjust the bioptic magnification bar anywhere on the screen.


  • This can be changed in the configuration settings in bioptic mode, very similar to the Scene with Bubble’s bubble positioning.


IrisVision is more than just a product to enable people to see. We’re building an entire ecosystem of features to create a “smart device” to make life easier for those with low-vision and help them do the things they love. Have ideas of what you’d like to see next or have any feedback? Send your thoughts to [email protected]. IrisVision is dedicated to help you see clearly and live fully!
