Sales and General Information2022-04-25T11:39:07+00:00

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Sales and General Information

How do I clean my IrisVision?2020-11-10T08:27:00+00:00

Tips for cleaning your IrisVision: 

  • Wipe the outer parts of the headset with a dry, soft cloth or wipe. The touchpad can collect the oil from your fingers as you operate the headset, so wiping down at least once a week is recommended.
  • Remove the phone from the headset and wiping down with a dry, soft cloth or wipe. Dust particles and smudges can collect on the screen or camera lens.
  • Wipe down the lens bubbles on the inside and outside of the headset to remove dust particles and smudges.
  • The foam lining of the headset that presses up against your face and the straps that go around your head can be removed for cleaning.  Run them under warm water, use a mild soap to scrub, and then rinse and air dry them.
Is there an IrisVision distributor in my area?2020-11-10T08:28:17+00:00

Please contact IrisVision by phone toll-free at +1-855-449-4536 (Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m., PST) or by e-mail at [email protected] to find out if there is an Independent Distributor in your local area.

Can I watch TV with the IrisVision?2020-11-10T08:28:44+00:00

Yes! You will be able to magnify text and objects, as well as see faces clearly. You may want to experiment viewing your television from different distances to obtain the optimal picture. IrisVision works best with televisions. You will always be able to read text and see faces in detail, but the quality of the image may vary if your television is very large or if you sit far away from your television. 

IrisVision is best used with a medium television viewed from a distance of between 5 feet and 10 feet.

Can I use the IrisVision to view my computer screen?2020-11-10T08:30:34+00:00

Yes! As with your television, it may take some experimentation to get the perfect calibration of distance and screen size. In all cases, you will be able to read text clearly and see crisp images on all of your favorite websites.

Can I use the IrisVision while riding as a passenger in a car or bus?2020-11-10T08:31:05+00:00

Yes! To avoid adverse effects such as motion sickness, you may want to keep the IrisVision on your lap and bring it up to your eyes to view signs and other objects as needed until you are acclimated.

The most comfortable way to use the IrisVision is to sit and face forward in the direction in which the vehicle is moving. After a short time, you will become accustomed to the IrisVision and be able to look in all directions freely.

Can I walk or drive with the IrisVision?2020-11-10T08:32:05+00:00

No! Do not drive while using the IrisVision. The IrisVision has a generous 70° field of view, but you should never drive with your peripheral vision obstructed in any way. IrisVision’s powerful magnification properties will also alter your depth perception.

The IrisVision is designed to give you autonomy and freedom, so it can and should be used on the go. However, it is not recommended that you walk while using the IrisVision. The same factors that make it unsuitable for drivingreduced peripheral vision and altered depth perceptionmake it unsuitable for walking safely as well.

The IrisVision is lightweight and portable. In most situations, walking with the IrisVision in your hands and bringing it to your eyes as needed is simple and easy. At a museum, for example, you can use it at each exhibit, and remove it from your eyes as you move from place to place.

Can I use the IrisVision in low-light environments?2020-11-10T08:33:56+00:00

Yes! The IrisVision does a great job of displaying images in low-light environments. This is especially true when viewing things in a room or in any area within 10 feet. Like any camera, however, using extra ambient light when reading or viewing will help to make the picture more vivid and colorful.

Can I use the IrisVision outdoors?2020-11-10T08:34:12+00:00

Yes! This is one of the great features of IrisVision that other products on the market cannot duplicate! The headset effectively blocks out eternal light, glare, and reflections from all angles, allowing you to see full, bright, and colorful images.

NOTE: Do not walk around while wearing the IrisVision.

Can I read with the IrisVision?2020-11-10T08:34:47+00:00

Yes! Reading is a pleasure with the IrisVision. The ability to read provides an advantage over other types of stationary video magnification devices. Because the IrisVision is a headset, you do not have to hold or support it with your hands or arms.

The IrisVision also has built-in contrast adjustment features and modes to accommodate your reading vision needs. For example, when reading a pink greeting card with red type, you can change the image to black and white (Reading mode), which increases the contrast and makes the text easy to read.

IrisVision’s field of view is six times wider than competing headsets when magnified at high levels. Reading difficulties are minimized. You can read slowly if necessary and reduce the chances of losing your place.
