How Can We Protect Our Eyes Naturally?

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How Can We Protect Our Eyes Naturally?

A healthy body means good vision as well. It’s important to take steps to ensure your eyesight is at its best. Whether or not you have infections or vision troubles; visiting an eye specialist regularly is the best way to protect your eyes and vision – and in the future help prevent any serious damage caused by eye diseases or injury.

Let us observe some of the natural ways you can maintain good eye health as you age.


Easy steps to protect our eyes naturally

  1. Eating a Healthy Diet
  • Eat foods rich in antioxidants i.e. Vitamins A and C, omega-3 fatty acids
  • These nutrients are important for the health of the macula, responsible for central vision.
  • Foods rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory chemicals are good for the eye’s health.
  • Leafy, green vegetables, fatty fish such as salmon, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, etc.
  1. Exercise (Physical + Eye)
  • Helps you improve the blood circulation in your body
  • Improves oxygen levels provided to the eyes
  • Removal of toxins
  • Helps maintain a healthy weight (preventing type-2 diabetes)
  • Eye exercises reduce excessive strain and focus better

3. Managing Chronic Conditions

  • Maintaining a healthy weight to prevent diabetes
  • Controlling high blood pressure helps protect your eyesight
  • Managing Blood Glucose regularly
  1. Wearing Protective Eyewear
  • Wear UVA and UVB protection sunglasses
  • Protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet (UV) light
  • Wearing a hat can also reduce the amount of UV radiation
  1. Screen Exposure & Time
  • The electronic device screen should be within 20″-24″ of your eye.
  • Adjust brightness to minimize glare on the screen.
  • Take a break every 20 minutes to focus on an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
  1. A Full Night’s Sleep
  • Insufficient sleep causes dry eye, getting full night’s sleep increases tear production
  • A good night’s sleep gives your eyes moisture throughout the night


Things to avoid to protect your eyes and vision naturally

  1. Skipping A Balanced Healthy Diet:
  • Don’t Skip Meals
  • Do not eat at irregular hours
  • Do not consume junk food and fizzy drinks
  • Leaving out leafy greens in daily meals

2.  Applying Excessive or Misusing Makeup

  • Not washing makeup off at the end of the day
  • Not carefully applying it on or near your eyes
  • Eyeliner/mascara too close to your lash line could cause bacteria
  1. Refrain from Smoking
  • It exposes your eyes to high levels of oxidative stress
  • Injurious to your heart and lungs
  • Cause of eye diseases such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
  • Damages your optic nerve, and leading to vision loss

4. Limit Consumption of Alcohol

  • Causes eye conditions to develop sooner, like macular degeneration.
  • Alcohol or saturated fats can create free-radical reactions that can harm the macula
  • High-fat diets cause deposits that constrict blood flow in the arteries
  1. Don’t Expose Yourself To Extremely Bright Light
  • Sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays can cause diseases such as cataract.
  • Constant usage of electronic devices can result in digital strain
  1. Don’t Read In Dark Environments
  • Darkening the room while focusing on a screen can severely strain and damage eyesight
  • Avoid reading text with a small font size

7.  Avoiding Eye Doctor Appointments

  • Avoiding to visit an eye specialist or optometrist will give you fewer chances of finding if you suffer from an eye condition
  • Prevent you from taking effective immediate steps to reduce the effects
