

Customer Support Videos

Video: Unboxing IrisVision

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently offer monthly payment plan for select states for $699 down and $99/month. Please refer to our Monthly Payment Plan page for more information.

Yes it is! Once you purchase the IrisVision device, you will have 30 days to return. Please see our 30-Days Risk Free Trial page for more information.

In most cases, the IrisVision will fit easily over your distance prescription glasses. It is not recommended to be worn over reading glasses.

Users who wear trifocals or bifocals should make sure to look through the top or distance prescription when using IrisVision. If you use trifocals or bifocals, you may also want to try the IrisVision without your glasses at all, and adjust the focus accordingly.

Some users with very low vision can be uncertain at first about whether the device is properly focused. You may want to ask a family member or friend with normal vision to do the initial focusing for you. You can also experiment focusing the device not only on the focus screen, but in color mode, standing several feet away from a large object you are familiar with. Once focused, other objects in the distance will look clear.
A few users may experience brief dizziness the first time using the device. When first trying on the unit, it can be helpful to hold the unit in front of your glasses and looking away for 15 to 20 seconds at a time. Repeating this a few times allows your eyes and your brain to acclimate.

It is also best to be seated the first time you use the device. For just about everyone, the initial dizziness wears off and does not return.

Yes! This is one of the great features of IrisVision that other products on the market cannot duplicate! The shield surrounding the camera unit creates effectively blocks out glare and reflection from all angles, allowing you to see the screen with full, bright and colorful images without being washed out by external light.
Yes! The IrisVision does a great job in displaying images in low light environments. This is especially true when viewing things in a room or any area within 10 feet. Like any camera however, extra light when reading or viewing will help to make the picture more vivid and colorful.
No, you should not drive while using IrisVision. The unit has a generous 70° field of view, but you should never drive with your peripheral vision obstructed in any way. IrisVision’s powerful magnification properties will also alter your depth perception.

IrisVision is designed to give you autonomy and freedom, so it can and should be used on the go to. However, it is not recommended to walk while using the unit. The same factors that make it unsuitable for driving – reduced peripheral vision and altered depth perception – make it unsuitable for walking safely as well.

IrisVision is lightweight and portable. In most situations, walking with the device in your hands and bringing it to your eyes as needed is simple and easy. At a museum, for example, you can use it at each exhibit, and remove it from your eyes as you move from place to place.

Yes! To avoid adverse effects such as motion sickness, you may want to keep the IrisVision on your lap, and bring it up to your eyes to view signs and sights as needed, until you are acclimated.

At first, facing the same direction the vehicle is moving in the car is the most comfortable way to use the device. After a short time, you will become accustomed to the device and be able to look in all directions freely.

Yes! You will be able to magnify text and objects, as well as see the faces of your favorite characters clearly. You may want to experiment viewing your television from different distances for the optimal picture. IrisVision works best with televisions with medium screens. You will always be able to read text and see detailed faces, but the quality of the image may vary if your television is very large or if you sit very far from your television. For the ultimate clarity and vibrance, IrisVision is best used with a medium television viewed from between 5 and 10 feet away.
Yes! As with your television, it may take some experimentation to get the perfect calibration of distance and screen size. In all cases, you will be able to clearly read text and see crisp images on all of your favorite websites.
Yes, reading is a pleasure with the IrisVision. The ability to relax in your couch or chair is a huge advantage over many other types of other, stationary video magnification devices. Since it is a headset, you also don’t have to worry about your arm becoming tired or uncomfortable from holding a handheld low vision aid over your book or magazine.

The IrisVision also has built in contrast adjustment features, allowing you to read with white letters on a dark, black background or brighten a white background. For instance, when reading a pink greeting card with red type, changing the image to black and white increases the contrast and makes the text easy to read.

IrisVision’s field of view is six times wider than competing headsets when magnified at high levels. Reading difficulties such as needing to read slowly or losing your place are minimized.

When first using the device to read, consider placing reading material on a stand to experiment with different distances and levels of magnification while your book or magazine is in a fixed location. Once you have a good idea of what settings and distance are best, you will be able to easily replicate the conditions in a chair or sofa.
The goggles have an A setting and a B setting on the clip attached to the micro usb port. Ensure the clip is in the B setting position by pressing the clip down and forward.
Make sure that there is contact between the phone and the wireless charging pad. If the focus wheel is rotated too far in either direction, it may disrupt the contact between the phone and the charging pad. A chime and blue light indicate proper charging.

It could mean that the IrisVision device is overheating or not properly placed on the wireless charger. First, make sure the center of IrisVision device is sitting on the middle of the wireless charger. If this does not solve the problem, take the IrisVision device away from the wireless charger, let it rest for 10~20 minutes and try the first step again.

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