What Main Services Do Telehealth Apps in the US Offer?

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What Main Services Do Telehealth Apps in the US Offer?

The growing need for communications technology and innovations in areas like the health sector has also been contributed largely by global emergencies such as the COVID-19 outbreak. The need for more remote monitoring and treatment is currently shaping the new paradigm of the world of healthcare across the globe with service providers transforming physical spaces into virtual care solutions set-ups.

The data collected by CDC reports that during the early 2020 pandemic phase, the increase in the percentage of telehealth visits for persons aged 18–49 years grew from 68% during the 1st week of January 2020 to 73% during the last week of March.

Basic Components of Telehealth Apps:

  • HIPAA Compliant: A mandatory requirement for any telehealth service provided in the United States. As the name suggests: the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a legal framework that aims to protect the confidentiality of the information shared by a patient to a service provider.

  • Tele-conferencing: Is one of the most distinctive features found in telehealth apps enabling both patients and service providers to conduct real-time consultation through video conferencing which only requires a phone/laptop and a stable internet connection

  • Store-and-forward: This refers to the sharing of health information such as medical history, lab test results between the patient and the healthcare provider.

  • Remote patient monitoring: Benefiting from the use of information and communication technology, telehealth apps can provide services that enable remote diagnosis through teleradiology, teledermatology to name a few as well as provide remote monitoring for patients with chronic diseases after obtaining the individual health data needed for treatment.

Main Features of Telehealth App:

The technology used in telehealth apps ensures convenient and efficient healthcare delivery healthcare and has already started showing signs of improved access to healthcare for even patients residing in remote areas. Patients and service providers through this technology can save time and substantial costs through the provision of remote consultation using video conferencing and instant chat, whereas service providers can benefit from growing clientele along with reduced administrative costs. Let’s look at some of the key main services provided by telehealth apps:

  • Distinct User-Centric Interface: As telehealth apps are used both by the service provider and the patient, each is provided with a different distinct set of features that caters to their requirements. For example, patients have the option to request an appointment from a list of doctors or clinicians however service providers are provided with back-end access to either accept, decline, or confirm an appointment. Though the same web browser or mobile app is being accessed by both but each presented with unique features and settings. Telehealth apps can be accessed through a web browser using a smartphone or desktop or through an independent software application.

  • Search:  An important feature of telehealth apps that helps the user to navigate through doctors’ profiles and select or book an appointment with a doctor that specializes in the field that they’re looking for but choosing different categories of specializations such as urologists, ophthalmologists, dermatologists, etc.

  • Profiles: As mentioned above enables the user to view relevant details such as education, area of competence, practice experience, and so forth. But it is equally important for patients to set up their respective accounts to be able to access and avail the services of a telehealth domain. Personal profiles are secured and locked with two-factor authentication and thus can store data concerning medical records or previous tests.

    personal profiles on telehealth apps

  • Clinical Records & Documentation: As discussed in the above point, Telehealth apps offerhealthcare providers easy-to-use features to collect, record, store, and share useful information such as test reports, previous medical records, etc. These features help service providers and clinicians store, manage health records, and maintain the record of the communications that have taken place between the patient and the doctor.

  • Calendar: Is just one of those little but nevertheless important features that have great utility such as for patients to manage their virtual appointments.

    Calendar feature in telehealth apps

  • Video-conferencing features: Yet another important feature beneficial for both service providers and patients alike. Both can communicate and interact through audio and video conferencing to conduct and receive remote consultation. This remote connectively helps patients save transportation costs and relieves service providers from administrative costs needed for in-person consultations.

  • Instant chat & alerts: Instant chat features are an effective way to provide rapid response to patient queries to provide a more personalized experience. Both parties meaning the service providers and patients can use this tool to effectively communicate short messages. Alerts serve a similar purpose but are directed only towards the users to inform them regarding any recent or future updates concerning new features, discounts or promotional material, etc.

    Instant chat feature in telehealth apps

  • Reviews: A feature that helps patients guide regarding previous patient interactions and feedback and also helps grow in-app community building

  • Online Payments: Much like other services availed digitally – online payments have also become an integral part of telehealth apps that enables users to benefit from convenient payment methods. Integrating popular payment gateways has elevated the user-friendly for the patients as well as made payments more manageable for the service providers.

  • Access to EHR. It is only when healthcare providers are granted access to complete and authentic information, can they improve medical care for all their patients efficiently. Electronic health records (EHRs) can help improve not just the ability to diagnose diseases but also reduce and prevent significant medical errors, which helps improve patient outcomes.

The evolution of communications technology, particularly within health sectors, has seen a significant leap, propelled by global emergencies like COVID-19. This shift has heightened the demand for remote healthcare solutions, marking an era where companies like Zuswork shine. As a Recruitment Agency in San Francisco and a Tech Recruitment Agency, we’ve observed how these changes necessitate hiring software developers who can innovate within these constraints. Zuswork, with our partnership in talent acquisition, showcases the pressing need for specialized recruitment process outsourcing companies to navigate this new terrain.

Though telehealth apps are uniform in terms of technological components, yet each telehealth app may differ from another concerning features and interface. With this rapidly growing technology, it is possible for even patients residing in remote areas to consult specialized doctors based in another geographic location using technology, enabling patients to save time and transformational costs needed for in-person visits and much more.

