IrisVision Gets Fast Company Honoree Award

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IrisVision Gets Fast Company Honoree Award

When our inventor and Co-Founder, Dr. Frank Werblin, set out to re-envision a solution for low vision (moderate to severe vision loss), who would have guessed we’d find ourselves here today? Having changed thousands of lives by enabling sight through science and technology, IrisVision is thrilled to be recognized by Fast Company as a World Changing Idea for 2020. As one of Fast Company’s major annual awards, the World Changing Ideas program is focused on social good, honoring companies seeking to elevate products and brave concepts that make the world better. We are honored by the external recognition, and proud to share the heart of this award is our driving purpose every day.

With this in mind, we want to take this opportunity to bring visibility to the millions of people faced with the daily challenges of living with low vision and let you know we’re not stopping here. At a time when many are feeling more isolated than ever, we are doubling down on our commitment to help people not just see, but reconnect and live more independently.

In honor of those for whom our technology has had a positive impact on their journey, we want to share some of the words we have received about how IrisVision has had a positive impact on their lives and simply say thank you for the opportunity to make a difference.

  • Lynn J. for her father (73 years old with macular degeneration)

    “…It had gotten to the point now that his lifestyle has been dramatically affected, having given up driving, and now having to give up reading. His passion is cooking, trying new recipes, and when he was not able to read his recipes any longer, he went into a deep depression. Then we discovered IrisVision. Let me tell you, it has CHANGED his life!  (It) has given an otherwise healthy old man a new outlook on his life.”

  • Martin B. says:

    “I can see again! Glaucoma has taken away my vision for the most part. I am much more confident using IrisVision. I haven’t been to a ball game in over 5 years because I can’t see the batter or the ball in live action. I will be going to all types of ball games from now on.”

  • John C. about his patient:

    “…A high point was being able to see clearly the face of his first great grandchild recently born. I have been working with blind and visually impaired veterans for over 22 years and I can tell you that stories like these are worth sharing with those who are working hard to make them possible. He now looks forward to seeing his family grow.”

  • For Bill G’s daughter:

    “The device has changed her life in that she can continue with her college work.”

  • From Lee J.:

    “I am finding the device is improving my life.  I’m now able to see things I haven’t seen for a few years now.”

  • For Peggy R., (75 with macular degeneration):

    “IrisVision has enhanced my life immensely.”

  • Barbara C. says IrisVision:

    “(IrisVision) has opened a whole new world for her, being able to read magazines again, read books again and above all, watch TV, being able to see and know what is going on.”

  • Jim B., about his son,

    “You have helped us realize that (our son) can and will do whatever he sets his mind to.”

  • From Mary K.,

    “Over Christmas I was able to play 3 games of Pinochle which I have not done in 15 years. Also watched a movie with my granddaughters on their 46″ TV. I have only been able to listen to it. Awesome! Can’t wait to try more things. I also knit washcloths and was able to pick up a dropped stitch.”

  • From Steven S., about his wife with retinitis pigmentosa:

    “Your goggles brought years of joy to her being able to see in great detail, our Christmas Tree.”

  • Amy Dixon regarding her retinitis pigmentosa:

    “Before, I could only see a small part of my fingers. I saw my whole hand for the first time in 22 years with IrisVision.”

