Low Vision Glasses2024-05-08T13:03:52+00:00

Award Winning Low Vision Glasses For Visually Impaired & Legally Blind

Clinically validated wearable low vision glasses with the potential to restore sight lost through injury or eye conditions – helping thousands of low vision individuals across the globe regain their independence.

Get a free consultation for your low vision glasses

Start Your 30 day risk-free trial today. Terms and conditions apply

Low Vision Caused by Diabetes

Award Winning Low Vision Glasses For Visually Impaired & Legally Blind

Clinically validated wearable low vision glasses with the potential to restore sight lost through injury or eye conditions – helping thousands of low vision individuals across the globe regain their independence.

Get a free consultation for low vision glasses

Start Your 30 day risk-free trial today
Terms and conditions apply

Low Vision Glasses Diverse Range of Viewing Modes

44 million Americans over the age of 40 are near or farsighted as reported by The New York State Department of Health. Most low vision Glasses are designed to be task-specific, however IrisVision features software lenses that are designed for close-up visual tasks and distance viewing.

Bringing About A Positive Change Through Low Vision Glasses

  • Award-winning Low vision glasses Software Lenses:
    Restores sight by using your leftover vision to reclaim your independence.
  • Virtual Assistive Software for low vision glasses:
    Helping you enjoy a complete hands-free experience of your low vision glasses.
  • 100% Stay Connected & Entertained:
    Unlimited access to entertainment, social media and more.

Low vision glasses diverse range of viewing modes

44 million Americans over the age of 40 are near or farsighted as reported by The New York State Department of Health. Most low vision glasses are designed to be task-specific, however IrisVision features software lenses that are designed for close-up visual tasks and distance viewing.

Bringing About Positive
Change Through Low Vision Glasses

  • Low vision glasses Award-winning Software Lenses:
    Restores sight by using your leftover vision to reclaim your independence.
  • Low vision glasses Virtual Assistive Software:
    Helping you enjoy a complete hands-free experience.
  • 100% Connected Low vision glasses:
    Unlimited access to entertainment, social media and more.

Thousands of vision impaired individuals
across the global have experienced

the award winning Low vision glasses

Are you ready?

Thousands of vision impaired individuals across the global have experienced the Low vision glasses.

Are you ready?

Awards Honorary
Mentions & Impact

“Did you know IrisVision Low vision glasses was Awarded The World Changing Idea?”

IrisVision Low vision glasses received the Fast Company Honoree Award for The World Changing Idea.

The World Changing Ideas program focuses on honoring companies seeking to elevate products and brave concepts that make the world better.

Awards Honorary Mentions & Impact

“Did you know IrisVision Low vision glasses was Awarded The World Changing Idea?”

IrisVision Low vision glasses received the Fast Company Honoree Award for The World Changing Idea.

The World Changing Ideas program focuses on honoring companies seeking to elevate products and brave concepts that make the world better.

World Class Low Vision Glasses Partnership

Low Vision Glasses Catering to Users With Moderate To Severe Visual Impairment

  • Macular Degeneration
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Stargardt Disease
  • Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP)
  • Ocular Albinism
  • Optic Neuropathy
    And more...

Low Vision Glasses Catering to Users With Moderate To Severe Visual Impairment

  • Macular Degeneration
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Stargardt Disease
  • Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP)
  • Ocular Albinism
  • Optic Neuropathy
    And more...

Low Vision Glasses Bringing You Closer To Things You Love

 Watch stream and
save your favorite
YouTube Videos 

Capture and save photos of your most treasured

Revisit the habit of reading with ease using optical character recognition (OCR)

Your very own personal assistant with smart voice commands feature

Round-the-clock Remote
 Support for your Low Vision Glasses

Our team helps you get started and make the most out of the
wearable low vision solution, available for you round-the-clock.

Our esteemed panel of expert coaches help you better understand
and easily adapt to the IrisVision headset through 1-on-1 coaching
sessions done remotely.

Low Vision Glasses for Legally Blind and Visually Impaired
Low Vision Glasses for Legally Blind and Visually Impaired

Uninterrupted Cellular
Connectivity for your Low Vision Glasses

IrisVision Live features rely on cellular or WiFi connectivity. Enjoy up to 500MB of data usage until your device has been set up on your Wi-Fi network within 60 days from shipment. For those without access to Wi-Fi, IrisVision now offers an extended Data Usage Plan.

Round-the-clock Remote

Support for your Low Vision Glasses

Our team helps you get started and make the most out of the wearable low vision glasses, available for you round-the-clock.

Our esteemed panel of experts coaches help you better understand and easily adapt to the IrisVision low vision glasses headset through 1-on-1 coaching sessions.

Low Vision Glasses for Legally Blind and Visually Impaired

Uninterrupted Cellular Connectivity for Low Vision Glasses

IrisVision Live features rely on cellular or WiFi connectivity. Enjoy up to 500MB of data usage until your device has been set up on your Wi-Fi network within 60 days from shipment. For those without access to Wi-Fi, IrisVision now offers an extended Data Usage Plan.

Low Vision Glasses for Legally Blind and Visually Impaired

Join us for a 30-day trial period with an absolute

100% money-back guarantee for your low vision glasses

Join us for a 30-day trial period with an absolute

100% money-back guarantee for your low vision glasses


"“When I put them on, I was able to clearly see somebody standing in the courtyard from the upper balcony. ”
I don’t think I ever saw that well, even as a child,"

Low Vision FAQs

What is considered low vision?2021-11-18T08:11:36+00:00

There may be different degrees of vision loss or low vision for people with various eye conditions, based on which The World Health Organization has defined different classifications for low vision i.e.

  • Moderate visual impairment or low vision: 20/70 to 20/160      
  • Severe visual impairment or low vision: 20/200 or worse
  • Profound visual impairment, or low vision: 20/500 to 20/100
  • Near-total visual impairment or low vision: Less than 20/1000
How can you tell if you have low vision?2021-11-18T08:13:38+00:00

Symptoms of low vision can vary for each individual but some of the common signs include reduced visual field, blurred vision, double vision, color vision deficiency, difficulty in reading, poor judgment of depth, etc. 

What are low vision glasses?2021-11-18T08:15:49+00:00

Low vision glasses are wearable low vision aids designed to help the visually impaired with close-up visual tasks and distance viewing such as reading, watching TV, stitching, and other recreational activities. These hands-free devices make it possible to easily move about. 

Can low vision be corrected with prescription glasses?2021-11-18T08:19:18+00:00

Prescription or other eyeglasses cannot cure low vision. Their unique purpose is to enhance visual acuity and for the visually impaired helping them to easily carry out everyday activities. However, they do help prevent vision from getting worse.

Is there any cure for low vision?2021-11-18T08:22:29+00:00

Unfortunately, there is no treatment for low vision and is usually considered a permanent disorder, also reported by The National Institute of Health. But there are treatments to help improve vision or prevent vision from further deterioration. 

What glasses are best for watching TV?2021-12-27T07:57:40+00:00

IrisVision low vision glasses are by far the best device to watch television seamlessly. It enables the user to read the text and see faces in detail, but
the quality of the image may vary if your television is very large or if you sit far away from your television. IrisVision is best used with a medium
television viewed from a distance of between 5 feet and 10 feet. With IrisVision glasses, users can also stream online videos using a voice-enabled search that helps the user find, play, pause, magnify and even save videos easily.

What is Low Vision?

Low vision is the loss of eyesight which is not correctable with prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses, and this loss of vision is typically due to eye diseases such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy etc.

There may be different degrees of vision loss for people with different eye conditions, based on which The World Health Organization has defined different classifications for low vision i.e.

  • Mild vision loss or near-normal vision: 20/30 to 20/60
  • Moderate visual impairment or low vision: 20/70 to 20/160
  • Severe visual impairment or low vision: 20/200 or worse
  • Profound visual impairment, or low vision: 20/500 to 20/1000
  • Near-total visual impairment or low vision: Less than 20/1000
  • Total visual impairment or blindness: No light perception

Most Common Types of Low Vision Problems

Low vision can interrupt the visual capabilities of anyone who has had an eye injury or an eye disease, but people aged over 45 become potentially vulnerable to develop low vision due to eye conditions like age-related macular degeneration etc.

44 million Americans over the age of 40 are near or farsighted as reported by The New York State Department of Health and whereas Only half of the 93 million US adults at high risk for vision loss visited an eye doctor in the past 12 months reported in The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2020.

Low vision can appear as various form of visual difficulty, some of them include:

  • Central Vision Loss
    Central vision loss appears as a loss of sight in the center of your visual field. It may begin as blurred spots which progressively turn into dark or blind spots.
  • Tunnel vision
    Tunnel vision is caused by peripheral vision loss in which only the center of your visual field is clearly seen, as if looking through a narrow tunnel.
  • Night Blindness
    It characterizes a poor and unclear vision in dimly lit environments or at night.
  • Blurred vision
    Everything that you see near or far, may look out-of-focus.
  • Hazy Vision
    The image that you see appears to be covered with a haze.

Challenges of Living with Low Vision

Low vision can affect daily activities in various ways, including:

  • Difficulty reading text: Reading books, newspapers, or even labels on food products can become a frustrating challenge with low vision. Traditional glasses may not offer enough magnification to see small print clearly, leaving you straining your eyes or holding reading materials uncomfortably close. Microscopic low vision glasses can be a solution, but they often have a narrow field of view, requiring you to constantly move your head to scan across a page.
  • Trouble recognizing faces: Low vision, especially when it affects central vision, can make it difficult to see the details that help us recognize faces. Greeting a friend or family member you haven't seen in a while can be an awkward experience if you can't quite make out their features. Standard glasses don't address this issue, and while telescopic glasses can help with distant recognition, they're not ideal for everyday interactions.
  • Blurred or hazy vision: The world may appear constantly out of focus or veiled in a haze, making it difficult to perform everyday tasks like navigating stairs, identifying objects at a distance, or even watching television. Traditional glasses may not provide enough clarity, and can even exacerbate blurry vision in some cases.
  • Challenges with night vision: Seeing in low light conditions can be especially challenging for people with low vision. Simple activities like walking your dog in the evening or going to a movie can become safety hazards. Regular glasses don't address night vision issues, and some may even have glare-reduction coatings that can further reduce visibility in low-light environments.
  • Limited field of view (tunnel vision): Tunnel vision restricts your peripheral vision, making it difficult to see objects to the sides and potentially leading to bumping into things or missing important information in your environment. Traditional glasses don't address tunnel vision, and some telescopic low vision aids can actually narrow your field of view even further.

What are Low Vision Glasses used for?

If your vision impairment is beyond the point of correction with the use of conventional prescription glasses or lenses, your doctor would likely suggest you to use ‘Low Vision Glasses’ which are a type of visual aid that provide magnification properties to overcome your low vision.

The magnification power, field and weight of eyeglasses varies from one user to the other. Most low vision glasses involve complex optics that are designed as per your unique low vision requirements and routine tasks that you want to do using them. For instance, driving and needlework are tasks that have different magnification needs, and would require you to get separate low vision glasses for each such as low vision magnifying reading glasses, low vision glasses for distance viewing, low vision glasses for driving etc. Therefore, a detailed low vision screening is typically done to develop a customized design for you.

What are the types of low vision glasses?

Generally, the main types of low vision glasses include:

  • Microscopic eyeglasses
    For performing tasks that require attention to details e.g. reading, needlework etc.
  • Telescopic eyeglasses
    For visual clarity in activities such as driving and walking.
  • Prismatic eyeglasses
    For well-coordinated vision of both eyes.
  • Electronic low vision glasses
    These are typically battery powered such as CCTV low vision aids, which combine different features which are used to assist in a variety of activities.

Is IrisVision Different From Other Low Vision Glasses?

Yes. IrisVision outshines the conventional average low vision eyeglasses in quality and functions.

But, how?

The IrisVision headset, powered by Samsung smartphone, is a holistic solution to a number of low vision problems. It replaces the need for multiple low vision aids as its features are customizable according to your changing requirement as you switch between different tasks. For instance, explore the following features of IrisVision that correspond to various low vision difficulties:

  • Coloured Reading Mode
    For reading in dimly lit surroundings, high contrast options are available to ease the process, allowing you to choose the ideal color contrast that works best for you, qualifying IrisVision as the best low vision reading glasses.
  • Scene Mode
    This mode counters your tunnel vision as it provides industry leading, 70 degree wide field-of-view, with auto-focus magnification that is ideal for seeing both near and far far objects.
  • Bubble View Mode
    Acting as a virtual telescope, you can use the bubble view mode to zoom in on the area of interest while keeping the overall scene in context.
  • IrisReader
    A feature which is not available in conventional eyeglasses, is the OCR reader of IrisVision which scans text and reads out loud for you.

IrisVision can take on the following functions:

1: Low Vision Glasses for Legal Blindness

IrisVision is a corrective solution for legal blindness as it has magnification properties as high as ×14. These low vision glasses for the blind empowers them to continue daily life activities with ease and convenience.

2: Low Vision Glasses for Retinitis Pigmentosa and Glaucoma

IrisVision low vision headset has a special feature that compensates for the loss of peripheral vision in Retinitis Pigmentosa and glaucoma. It shrinks your field of view to a smaller area, and lets you move the camera across your visual field allowing you to see better despite your eye condition.

The effects of eye conditions listed above can be mitigated through the use of specialized software lenses such as Bioptic mode that allows you to focus on the specific area without losing the entire field of view serving as the ideal bioptic glasses for low vision.

3: Low Vision Glasses for Macular Degeneration

People suffering from age related macular degeneration lose their central vision. However, IrisVision lets you see the entire scene including the view right in the center of your visual field, by capturing and shrinking the image.

Irisvision is a low vision solution for a number of eye conditions, including diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa and others. To know more about our product, and how it can help your low vision condition, head over to product details.

4: Low Vision Glasses for Watching TV

Yes you heard it right!! The award-winning technology also helps you stay connected to the world, enabling you to watch TV with ease, take pictures and store them in your gallery, access to video streaming platforms like YouTube, Netflix and alot more.

Other Salient Features

  • Adjustable IPD (interpupillary distance)
  • Self Administered Vision Tests
  • Powerful autofocus with near to far distance lenses
  • Removable eye guard to suit surrounding lighting conditions
  • An advanced camera with 30 frames/second resolution
