Eye Injury Treatment & Electronic Glasses for Low Vision

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Eye Injury Treatment & Electronic Glasses for Low Vision

The after-effects of an eye injury depend upon the severity of the damage as well the part of the damaged eye.  

Though most eye injuries can be treated through proper and immediate medical intervention, however in some cases, they may lead to temporary or permanent vision loss. 

Some of the main causes of eye injuries are:

  • Chemical Exposures and Burns

  • Corneal Abrasions

  • Lacerations

  • Foreign Bodies

  • Ultraviolet Keratitis

For a more detailed analysis have a look at Examining the Common Types Of Eye Injuries And Trauma

The effects of an eye injury can appear within minutes or may emerge gradually over time. The most common signs of an eye injury are:

  • Pain

  • Sensitivity to touch

  • Swelling

  • Bruising

  • Redness

  • Changes in vision

  • Eye movement issues

  • Bleeding

  • Blurred vision

  • Sensitivity to light

  • Eye deformity

  • Other deformities

  • Watery Eyes

Several Ways to Treat Eye Injuries: 

Though each eye injury presents a different set of complications, remember not to rub, touch or press the eye in case of any type of eye injury.

It is essential to consult an eye specialist or ophthalmologist to examine the damaged eye.

Eye Injury Treatment

Do not remove any foreign body stuck in the eye, particularly in cases of corneal foreign bodies. These must be removed after adequate topical anesthesia is applied and done by an eye specialist under magnification with good illumination. 

A sterile eyewash solution can be a viable option if unharmful substances such as sand or other small grains have entered the eye, however, if the pain does not settle or any substances do not come out, immediate medical intervention is required. 

Simple lacerations are commonly surgically sutured, but septic lacerations need to be cleaned and treated with systemic antibiotics. 

A subconjunctival hemorrhage is one of the most common effects of eye trauma and most hyphema clears within a period of five to six days through conservative treatment. 

It is important to note that using aspirin can increase the risk of further bleeding into the eye but can be decreased by using topical steroids. It is advisable to avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for at least one week after a hyphema. 

In case of burns to the eye, keep the cornea moist and free from exposure. The first aid management requires antibiotic ointment to be applied over the conjunctiva, cornea, and burned eyelids. Be sure not to use an eye pad to cover the eye as this may ulcerate the cornea.

However, for a suspected eye puncture, a shield can be used over the eye but remember not to use water to wash the injured part of the eye, leaving the object untouched. 

In the case of the chemicals, flush the eye with clean water until all the chemicals are washed away. 

Applying a small cold compress can help reduce swelling if there is a serious blow to the eye but remember not to exert any pressure on the eye.

To treat any surface cuts and scrapes to the eyelid or the area around the eye, stop the bleeding by using a clean gauze or cloth for about 10 minutes to put direct pressure on the wound. After washing the wound with water, apply an antibiotic ointment on the wound. 

Always use medications when prescribed by an eye specialist and read the instructions as well as the warnings thoroughly mentioned on the package. 

The best approach always is to seek an eye doctor’s advice immediately before the injury leads to serious complications such as temporary or permanent vision loss.

Electronic Glasses for Legally Blind 

Traumatic eye injuries may lead to several complications such as optic nerve damage causing temporary vision loss or low vision and can steal away an individual’s independence.  

To overcome the effects of low vision and legal blindness there are several assistive technologies available that enhance visual acuity, aiding in performing daily tasks smoothly.   

One such technology that has impacted lives for the visually impaired community is IrisVision

A revolutionary assistive device designed to enhance independent daily living, facilitate virtual vision rehabilitation, and stay connected to people, doctors, and everyday activities. 

The IrisVision leverages award-winning software lenses to amplify leftover vision with its diverse range of devices such as wearable low vision solution IrisVision Live and the lightweight electronic glasses the IrisVision Inspire. 

These wearable assistive technologies provide functional sight for low vision and have been designed for hands-free, ease-of-use experience.

Electronic glasses for low vision and eye injury

Electronic glasses for low vision and eye injury

Key Features of IrisVision 

Software lenses: 

Scene helps the user enjoy a 14X magnification power as well as a 70 degrees field of view that projects a clear and high-definition view. Reading Line is a great way to relive the joy of reading by creating a bar of magnification to view a segment of the text without losing one’s place on the page.

Stream and Save Videos:

With the IrisVision users can stream online videos on their favorite channels on YouTube or watch a movie on Netflix. The best part is they can easily find, play, pause, magnify and even save videos using the voice-enabled search feature.


One of the many perks of using the IrisVision is getting two years of unlimited cellular data to keep users connected and supported wherever they are.

Smart voice commands: 

Enhances the user experience, helping them easily navigate through the amazing features and using smart voice commands to get weather updates, take a photo, reduce brightness, or zoom in, without having to manually perform these tasks.

Get free consultation to experience the life altering features and experience first hand how IrisVision can help in achieving better outcomes while managing vision health.  

