Low Vision Aids for Visually Impaired and Legally Blind

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Low Vision Aids for Visually Impaired and Legally Blind

44 million Americans over the age of 40 are near or farsighted as reported by The New York State Department of Health and whereas Only half of the 93 million US adults at high risk for vision loss visited an eye doctor in the past 12 months reported in The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2020.

There are many ways through which most of these effects can be mitigated such as eating a healthy diet consuming antioxidants like Vitamins A and C, omega-3 fatty acids that are good for the health of the macula, responsible for central vision. Some of the other foods that improve vision are leafy, green vegetables, fatty fish such as salmon, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, etc. 

Exercise is instrumental in improving the blood circulation in your body,  oxygen levels provided to the eyes as well as is a source of removal of toxins. 

Maintaining a healthy weight to prevent diabetes and closely monitoring any signs of chronic conditions. It is imperative that you control high blood pressure as it helps protect your eyesight

Wearing protective eyewear, reducing screen exposure, getting a full night’s sleep are all useful ways to maintain good eyesight and prevent any potential damage to the eyes. You can find useful tips on things to avoid to protect your eyes here.

But what if you’re already suffering from low vision? With the rise in low vision problems it is important to know about some of the tools to overcome visual limitations like low vision aids.  

Types of Low Vision:

  • Central vision loss: The effects include a blind spot emerging in the center of an individual’s vision, blocking the midpoint of a visual.

    low vision aids for central vision loss

  • Peripheral vision loss: Prevents an individual to see anything on either side, above, or below eye level keeping the central vision intact.

  • Night blindness: A type of low vision that creates a visual hindrance for an individual to see properly in poorly lit areas.

  • Blurred vision: The effects may include visuals appearing distorted, objects both near and far appear out of focus.

  • Hazy vision: This causes the entire field of vision to appear cloudy and unclear.

Two Common Causes for Low Vision

Though there can be several causes of low vision, the two most common are optic nerve damage and eye diseases. 

Optic Nerve Damage: The optic nerve is responsible for bridging the communication gap between the eyes and the brain. The visual information delivered to the retina, is then sent to the brain through the optic nerve

It basically comprises a bundle of more than a million nerve fibers, thus any damage to the optic nerve can result in loss of vision. 

The damage in a broader context is divided into two main types; damage caused by trauma or injury or damage caused by an eye condition

Eye Diseases: Each disease has its own causes such as eye injury, or genetic disorders and subsequently different effects on an individual’s vision such as loss of central vision or peripheral vision etc. Let us look at some of the common eye diseases

  • Glaucoma

    As reported by the American Optometric Association, Glaucoma is the second-leading cause of blindness in the U.S. The effects include tunnel vision as well as experiencing blurriness or cloudiness of vision, other effects may include nausea/vomiting and severe pain in the eye. The increased pressure inside the eye damages the optic nerve due to the intraocular pressure. 

  • Retinitis Pigmentosa

    The effects of vision loss begins with peripheral vision loss. Retinitis Pigmentosa damages the light-sensitive cells found in the retina that collect the visual information that’s transmitted to the brain. There is no specific cause but the disease is linked to genetic malfunctioning.

  • Diabetic Retinopathy

    This disease is directly related to diabetes as the name suggests and is commonly found in people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. It causes damage to the blood vessels spread throughout the light sensitive tissues of the retina (the back of the eye). The effects include dark spots appearing or the formation of strings floating through your vision, impaired color recognition, blurred vision and complete blindness.

  • Age-related Macular Degeneration 

    One of the diseases that is commonly found in age groups of over 60 and has another type called Stargardt disease or juvenile macular degeneration that affects children and younger adults. It occurs when the macula deteriorates which is the central portion of the retina (light-sensing nerve tissue at the back of your eye).

    It affects the vision by creating drusens (small yellow deposits of fatty proteins) that get bigger with time and distort the overall vision. This disease causes the light-sensitive cells in the macula to get thinner and eventually die which may result in loss of central vision.

Importance of Low Vision Aids 

Devices that are specifically designed to facilitate individuals with low vision to see clearly through the use of tools such as standing and hand-held magnifiers, magnifying glasses, loupes, video magnifiers etc. 

Visual obstacles that come with low vision often cannot be mitigated through the use of standard prescription eyeglasses or sufficient enough to help with distance and near tasks which is why using low vision aids become imperative. It is imperative that you consult an eye specialist or an ophthalmologist before opting for any prescription eyeglasses or any low vision aids. 

Low vision aids are task-specific devices that have different innate properties, which means different tools for different tasks. For example an individual with low vision may use a hand-held magnifier for short-term reading such as going through a grocery list or to identify a sign board, but use video magnifiers for reading a book or a magazine. 

These devices are designed to provide unique properties such as increased magnification as well as higher-quality optics to allow the lens to bend or refract light. But there are few smart low vision assistive technology devices available in the market that can provide all the needful features in one device. 

Award Winning Low Vision Aids – IrisVision Live 

Award winning wearable low vision aids

The most affordable and innovative low vision solution, IrisVision Live provides smart software lens technology that leverages functional areas of the individual’s eyes and amplifies it to restore vision. 

The IrisVision live is a clinically validated FDA class-1 medical device, developed as a collaborative effort between renowned organizations like Johns Hopkins University, Stanford University, UPMC Pittsburgh – and leading technology corporations such as Samsung, and is the only device backed by a research grant from the National Eye Institute.

The wearable device is equally handy and comfortable indoors and outdoors all thanks to its hands-free, portable design. The device enables users to benefit from extended and bubble views to make it easy to transition from different lighting environments.

The device has changed the lives of thousands across the globe, empowering them with the ability to see their loved ones and interact with their environment more effectively.

  • Advanced Software Lenses 

    The wearable device is ideal for distance viewing such as reading signs or locating an item on a shelf. Using the Biotic Mode a user can magnify a specific area without losing the context of the entire visual. 

    Whereas Bubble View lens allows the user to zoom in feature that resembles a bubble on areas of interest while keeping the overall scene in view. 

  • Read with Ease

    The IrisVision Live comes with some power-packed tools to help you read better be it short-term reading or enjoying a long read. With specially designed software lenses for low vision individuals such as IrisReader (optical character recognition) that reads text aloud to the user after scanning a page of text, Reading Color modes through which users can choose the color contrast that works best for their vision, Reading Line Mode which features a bar magnifier to comfortably view a segment of word etc. 

  • Stay Connected & Entertained 

    IrisVision Live users can stream their favorite YouTube or Netflix videos using a stable internet connection. The device also features Smart Voice Commands that enable voice-enabled search, for the user to enjoy the hands-free experience. Simultaneously you can also take pictures and save them in your Photo Gallery.

  • An Affordable Investment  

    The IrisVision Live headset is the most affordable low vision solution in the market that costs $2950 that includes shipping charges, a 2-year warranty as well as a 30-day refund policy. 

    That’s not all, users also get several accessories along with the IrisVision Live headset such as a fast charger & cable, training guides, magnetic USB cable, wireless charging pad, headphones, carrying case and a lanyard.

    To begin the IrisVision Live experience call +1 855 449 4536 and to know more about the innovative device send us an email: [email protected]

